Monday, August 24, 2009

Something You Stole - Part 10

I Finally Reached A TWO DIGIT Number With My Story!! Yaaay(a);*..





"is there something on my face?" he laughed



"uufff.. whatever!.." and i stomped back to Lulu

i heard him let out a laugh

"welcome back..! hehe.. eshfeeeechh" she smiled

"NOTHING! now can we please pay our bill and get out of here!" i hated how nobody took me seriously when i was mad..

"hehe okaay okaay, chill mama"

we odered the bill and waited..

"low sama7tay"

i recognized that voice but chose not to look up


"you dropped this.." he placed my bracelet (which was from 3abdalla) on the table and walked away..

"thanks alot" i mumbled to myself



a few minutes later, they left

i hate the fact that she thinks iny nafs bajee.. ana 3omry ma ga9art ib 7ag insana, bas she had the wrong idea of me and this was completely new to me.. i had to prove myself to her..

"agool Fhaid, shai5a it3arif Fajer?"

"il'6aher ee friends"


"ahaa.. w Lulu ba3aad?" he asked innocently, but i knew what he had in mind

"atwa8a3.." i smiled at him

"shfeeek?" he laughed, and i laughed along with him

"heheh bas la laa mo 7ilwa 9aloo7"

he gave me the kaifik look and ordered the check..



2 missed calls ASSHOLE
3 new msgs ASSHOLE

hehe "asshole"

[lesh ma rdetay 3lay?]

[shfech ta7gren ;s]

[9j mntay kafu!]


Outgoing call ASSHOLE

"taw el naas!"

"mino ily mu kafu?"


"aha.. iyee menik akthar" i wasnt in the mood for this..

"hahaha at'3shmaar shfeeech 3a9abtaayy!"

that wasnt the least bit humoring..

"laish ma kntay ga3da triden 3alay?"

"i was eating lunch with Lulu"

"ahhh, wainich?"

"bil sayara.. ray7een yarmook"

"sh3endichh bl yarmook?"

"bna5th sayarat Lulu, she left it there ams.. w ba3dain radeen il bait"

"lesh 5alat sayart'ha menaak?"

okay this was starting to annoy me

"3abood ta78ee8?"

"mo 3ajbech!?"

"mu 3an shay bas tara mani imsafra ya3ni.."

"9j mntay kafo!"

i was never treated this way by 3abdalla

"what happened to you?!!"

he stayed quiet and let out a deep breath

"3abdalla akalmek ba3dain, taby shay?"


sadda eb wayhi !?




okay, that hurt..



"inta il mas'ool 3an 5wanik o 5awatik! latsawid wayhee ya wild il 7alal! yalla ana na6rik"

"inshalla yoba.."

my life had always been under the control of my father, he was a very successful buisness man and had no time for any drama o re-considration, every command he made had to be fulfilled or else his bad side would emerge and it would literally be hell.. if i were to take a step further in my life he had to approve of it, there was no duscussion or any way to change his mind if he disapproved of something.. i wont say he doesnt love me, but he blames me for the death of my the woman he loved, my mother..

"9aloo7 gi6ny baitna.. obooy yabeeni bl sharika"


i never met my mother, she passed away the minute i was born. My father married another woman three years later, and had 4 children from her.. Haya, Qutaiba, A7mad, and May. Haya was 18, smartest one bainatna, and the sweetest. Qutaiba was Haya's twin, meaning he was also 18 and the EXACT opposite of Haya.. we never got along, neither did he with the others.. A7mad, 17, was always the quietest one, he seemed to be in his own world 99% of the time, bas 5osh walad. And last but not least May, daloo3a lai daraja !.. ya3ni she always had to get her way.. but thats expected from a 13 year old i guess..

"ashoofik bil dwaniya?.."

"inshala, ma3salama"

libast dishdashty o ri7t il sharika 3nd obooy

"salam 3alaikom"

"halla wildy, tfa'6al.."

"shlonik yuba?"

he handed me a load of files ignoring my question

"abeek tshoof a7san mwa'6af o ta36ee il position eli kalamtik 3anna..."

"bas yoba e7na 8ararna ina Haya ra7 ta5tha, w mashalla 3alaiha mo nage9ha shay 3ashan ma testilim il wa'6eefa.."

he stepped close to me with peircing eyes

"naffeth eli wa9aitek 3laih, rayik mo ma6lob"

i took the pile of files and headed to my office

Outgoing call Haya..


"hayoona shlonich?"

"hala Fahood im good, w enta?"

"b5air alla ysalmich, sem3ay hayo ba'3ait akal-"

"Fahood!! im so sorry sweety bas lazim aroo7 cuz 3inndy class!! Plus, etha bastilim wa'6eefat baba lazim shahadty telma3! mo 9a7?? hehe .. call me later kk?"

"ahh, mo moshkila.."

"shino feek shay??"

"la la bs yalla deray balich"

"okayzz hehe byee!"

i marched back to my father's office, somebody had to knock some sense into him..

Love you ;**



  1. OMG OMG OMG !!!
    Awal Shay Thanks For The Amazing Posts!!!
    && The Dedication
    && The Fact That You're Just An Amazing Writer w Im Totally In Love With Your Story!
    Fahoud [Eb Kaify Msamyeta Fahoud..] Is .A D O R A B L E. !;*
    Lulu.. Cyutiie;*
    9alou7 EYANIN:$!
    Stubby.. THE BEST!<3


  2. FIRST! I love iiiit <3 Ukh, I hate 3abdulah ;'/ and love fahad xD

  3. loved the post..oo waiting for the next one

  4. klllllsh ma 7bet 3bduallah at all!!!
    even the way he talked 2 fajer!!
    bs a7san FAJER lazem u leave al"asshole" Lol
    hope things well work out m3 fahad (L)
    w8in' 4 the next post ...

    ...Super M

  5. I love, i repeat, LOVE your blog! ;*
    keep it up, i just made an account to post comments and stuff, im thinking bout startin' my first blog youve inspired me, really.

    POST SOON! ♥

  6. DesperateDreamer: I LOVE YOU MORE, Ur Welcome, Ou TISTAHLAAIN 7abeebty! Ur So Sweet, heheh;*
    Ps. DesperateDreamer .. THE BESTEST!

    Alvaro: Actually Ur Second ;\ Enshallah Next Post!;P .. Thank You Babe;*

    Rawan: Thank You .. Enshallah;p

    Super M: LOOOL:p Trust Me, Once An ASSHOLE Always An ASSHOLE

    Hersheys: Hahah!;* Thank you;$ .. Awwwwh 7abeebty Wallah, Im Totally Gonna Check It Out, Gdluck ;)
