Sunday, July 26, 2009
Something You Stole - Part 3
A7ebkuuum .. xx
I kept quiet and looked deep into his hypnotic brown eyes..
"i cant do this anymore.."
Back to the present
"Fajer magdar agi9 3alaich wakalmich china ma 9ar shay!"
"3abdalla inta shga3d itgool?!"
he couldnt look in my eye or answer me..
i grabbed his jaw and made him face me! there was a long silence looking into each others eyes.. i noticed his eyes turn bloodshot red and watery.. he took a breath and was about to say something..
"ana sawait elle intay kintay 5ayfa mina..."
WHAT???? ...
"shsawait 3abdallah...!?"
"ma kint wa3i ya Fajer wallah! Ri7na club bas ana maknt nawi 3la shay! ma adry shlon 5alait'ha til3ab ib 3agli bas o rasich il'3ale ina it didnt happen all the way.. I stopped it before anything would happen!!!
i couldnt move!! all i could do was try to keep my heart from not stopping..
his hand touched mine and my heart literally skipped a beat
"wa5ir 3ani..."
he wouldnt let go and his grip got harder..
"Faj- (i tried pulling away) FAJER!!"
he grabbed me so hard that i felt like my bones were going to crush into a million peices.. he began shoving me and screaming in my face...
my body was hurting me so much that just i turned numb.. my eyes met his & i froze in my place... he looked so scary and cruel! i was so tiny infront of him and the way his strong hands grabbed me made me feel completely fragile and weak.. i couldnt move a muscle and just collapsed onto the floor without even trying to support myself up.. who is this guy?
i couldnt say anything to him...
"Tikfain riday 3alay..."
i opened my mouth but nothing came out...
"Fajer say something please..!!?"
i finally managed to say the first thing that stumbled along my tongue...
his eyes suddenly widened in shock and confusion... his grip was slowly letting go just as i wished.. i saw this as the chance to get away from 3ab- from this stranger... i forced every muscle in my body to lift me up! my knees felt weak and shakey, but i didnt give up... i gave him my back and walked away.. i didnt dare look back at him!
as soon as i got into my car i burst out into tears... i was choking, breathing hard, shaking, screaming.. YOU NAME IT!.. i banged my head on the steering wheel a few times and let out everything in me.. i looked at my left and saw his car, then i realised how ridiculous i would look if he came out and saw me in this situation... i started the engine, pressed on the gas and took off...
Outgoing Call Loolz;*..
"L-L-LULUUUUU!!! 3ab- 3ab.. hh-hhhh-hhhh-hh-..."
"b-bl yarm-oo-ook..- AB-ABA-ABAAAIIHH...!!!"
i couldnt stop crying or even control myself.. FOUR YEARS!!? how can this even be possible!?? i hate this guy!! I HATE HIMM!!
Till Next Time..
Friday, July 24, 2009
Something You Stole - Part 2B
Dedicated To Shayoukh;*~
"9ayer shay mu 9a7??"
laish ya Fajer laish?...
"3abdallah t7acha.."
"L-la mako shay 7abeebty... bs i missed my baby and couldnt stand another day without her..."
i hate this...
"Awwwwww!!.. Ya7alaata elly ma yigdar efarigny... 3ad et9adig!? Ams belail kint ga3da a7ish feek 3ind Lulu her best friend.. hehe.. lat5aaf mo BAD BAD things... bs ya3nii, ina kint agoolaha iny khayfa 3alaik o mo wayed mirta7a ib hal ro7a ... cuz you know ur friends 3abood, mu 9a7?"
see what i mean? fahmatny.... ma gidart agool shay.. 5ift inha tshik ib shay itha ba6alt 7aljee...
"3aboodi?? Abaih laykoon za3alt!! a-ana mo qa9di wallah!! uuh, ya3ni min elly asm3a 3anhom ma arta7lhom wayed... i-im just scared you'd end up like them 7abeeby... please la tiz3al miny.. im j-just saying ..."
"Ya3ni mo za3lan miny?.."
ana il '3al6an o ehya khayfa iny akoon za3lan 3alaiha...
"Shlon baz3al minich Jourty? Thats impossible.."
baby im such an asshole for doing that to you... ma tistahlain wallah.. mali wayh akalmich...
"U-uuh fajoorty ana bil darb o shway za7ma.. fa i'll txt you bs ou9al il bait ok 7abeebty?"
"Khallas okay... bs der baalik! Adry you cant wait to be one block away from me!!... THI8A MUCH!?? Hehe.. shway shway 7abeeby okay?
"Yalla bye bye.."
mabi asakra...
"Eheh ee 7ayati... s-sorry.. bye"
"hehe bye"
that was the worst phonecall of my life... whats even worse is that i cant stay on the phone with her for more than 5 minutes... it stayed that way that night as well as the next day.. avoiding her as much as i could... everytime i see her same on my phone's screen my heart races, my palms sweat, and i contemplate on wether i should pick up or not... i eventually do because i cant resist her.. but as soon as i hear her soft innocent voice and the way she says my name, i feel like disappearing & hear voices telling me that she doesnt deserve a jerk like me or the lies i keep telling her...
i pulled out my phone and decided to come clean...
Outgoing msg Um.3aboudii;*:
Meet me ib 7adee8at il yarmouk in 15.. I need to talk to you, and its about time you knew..
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Something You Stole - Part 2A
Dedicated To Lilo & Identity..
i looked at her full lips and then at her eyes... she was smiling and her pearly white teeth seemed to glow... i felt Sara's breath on my lips.. her lips touched mine passionately and my whole body tingled.. I kissed her hard inhaling her intoxicating scent that paralized all my senses and thoughts.. I slid my hands on her soft thighs and she let out the softest moan that just tempted me to do more than just this... Sara put her hand on my cheek and something shiny caught my eye.. Her bracelet.. Joorty has one just like it..
"U-uh.. umm Faj-.. S-Sara wa5ray! .. I-I- Uhh.. a-ana lazim amshy!!"
i opened the door grabbed my phone and got out!
"3abdallaaa AISH!? Shfeeeekk!???...
YA 7MAAAAAAAR!! YA KAAAAALB!! SHLOOOON!?!?! shlon itsawy chithy!?? MO KAFY ENIK RAYI7 MUKAN WA9I5!? La o 6aaa3 shimsawy ba3aaaad!!
"sh-shabab ana rad il deera.."
"hahahaaa 3aboood yallaaaa 3aaad waaain laaaishh raaaayee7?"
"eeeeee waaaaaiinnn..??? hehehe"
mara7 yifhmoon shay il7een...
"3an ithinkom..."
I barged out of that disgutsting place and walked to my car..
3abdalla you just threw away 4 years of love, trust, and the best girl on the planet!! YAL '3AABI LAAAISHH!? uuuuffff!...
Sha'3alt ilsayara and headed to Kuwait as fast as i could.. i didnt care about my stuff, my friends, my money, NOTHING! Abi Joorty IL7EEN!.... Bs sh3ugba ya 7aywaan!? waaaaaaaaaaaaai3...!! SHAGOOLAHA!?? 5araabt kilshay!! EVERYTHING WE PLANNED IS GONE NOW!
I turned up the volume and Rwaished's voice filled my ears and wrenched my heart with every single word that cut me like a knife..
kent a3arfick lama kan el7ub y3arfick
kent a3arfick lama kan el6eeb wa9lick
kent ashooooouf aldenya feeck, kent a7ib khoufii 3allaaick, laken enta elyoum thany
ja7du galbick anaany ou el su2al 3any ykalfick??
3ed ou E7sib am 3athartick ou kam 3ethir khallaaita 3adda
ou 3ed jrou7i mn 3araftick wela jara7i 9ert 3adda
ou ab3edick 3an kil shakkee ou anjer7 waskit ma ashki...
Mo em9adig elly 9ar.. ana shloun sawait ib Fajer chithy? FAJER elly iwgfat ma3ay ib kelshay.. Fajer elly kanat tes'har el layaali bs 3ashan ti6aman iny nimt merta7.. Elly kanat tin9a7ni o twareeni el 9a7 min el ghala6... El wa7eeda ily tifhamny bas lama et7i6 3ainha ib 3ainy.. Fajoorty im so sorry 7abeebty...
A tear ran down my cheek and landed at the corner of my lip, i tasted the bitterness that resebled my bitter feelings... i imagined my whole future with her crushing down, & more streaks of tears trailed down my soon-to-be-slapped face...
Aham shay ina Fajer elly shafatny '3air 3an kil el nas, 5int'ha 3ashan bint ma3rifha...?
The girl i loved for 4 years, is soon going to be the girl who wont ever look me in the eye!! The girl i trusted with my LIFE, the only one who stood by me when everyone was againnst me is soon going to be gone..
i need her, now..
Outgoing Call Um.3aboudii;*
a77 ya galbi...
"Jooorty 7abeebty, Shlonich? Wainich? Are you okay?"
"LAAAA2!! Tadry laaaish? Tadry Laaaaish!?? GOOL MA TADRY BA3AAAD!!"
huh? laa la mo ma3qoola!! MA MIDAHAA !!... Allah yaster...
"U-uhh.. Joorty 7abeebty pls ni-ni6ray fihmeeny bil a-awal..."
"LANNA I MISSS MY 3BOUDIII!! Hahahaa ... Kharra3tik??"
"Eheh-ehe Hehe.. Eee yal 5aysa!!... Ahaa 3ayal elyom ur lucky day!!..."
not really "lucky" ....
"Ayshay? Abaih laaaaish!??.. TELL ME TELL ME !!!!"
"Goulay ana wainy ;p .."
"Raye7 7ag 7abeebat il galb"
"Laaaaaaaah!?;@ Ou mino hathy ballaaah 3allaaik!?"
fedait ily y'3aar...
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH WANASAAA!!!... Bas ma midaaak 7abeeby, did you have enough fun?? Wela shfeek raad imbachir? 9aayir shay??"
i couldnt say anything...
"9ayer shay mu 9a7??"
laish ya Fajer laish?...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Im New At The Blogging World Ou A7is Ena Ma3indy Khebra WHATSOEVER! *Covers Face With Blanket* ;$.. So What Im Asking For Is, YOUR PERSPECTIVE On Part 1 Of "Something You Stole" 3ashan A3arif Etha I Should STOP Blogging Wathliff Or Keep Doing What Im Doing!;p So Please Help A Sistah Out (A);*~
Oh And..
PS: I Know That I'll Never Top Those Experienced Bloggers So BARE WITH ME!!;p~
Peace Yo!;*~
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Something You Stole - Part1
1 new msg Bu.3aboudii;*-
"Meet me ib 7adee8at il yarmouk in 15.. I need to talk to you, and its about time you knew.."
As soon as i got that message i knew something was wrong, its not like him to be so serious and cold.. I headed over to my closet and pulled out my dark skinny jeans, a ruffled white top, and white flats. My long brown wavy hair stayed the way it was. I applied some mascara, a little bronzer, grabbed my bag and left. I got into my black porsche, let my iPod play, and took off.
Whats that message supposed to mean?! Its about time i knew WHAT!? ..
Thats all i was trying to figure out the whole time.. Once i got there i spotted his golden cayenne and parked my car next to his. I took a deep breath turned my car off and got out. Dashait 7adeeqat il yarmouk wana galby yerga3.. i looked for him and found him sitting on a bench with his elbows on his knees and his face cupped in his hands. 7abeeby he looked so frustrated!!
"Uuh, 3abdalla?.."
my voice seemed to have startled him. His eyes shot up at me but those once glistening, calm, brown eyes were now filled with regret, anger and pain.. He motioned for me to sit down and so i did..
"3abdalla shfeek?! Ur scaring me.."
he stayed quiet for what seemed to be a lifetime! and finally...
what!? what happened to "Joorty" !!?.. I kept quiet and looked deep into his hypnotic brown eyes..
"i cant do this anymore.."
*2 days ago in Ba7rain...
kint weya il shabab ga3deen ib shi8at 3azooz..
"shabab ana agool 5anroo7 en'6ayi3 wagt bil 3adliya.. ya3ni, night clubs, tagzir!"
"kaaak matyooz bo shhaab! yalla yalla goomaw..."
waaaaaih ... shbagool 7ag Joorty?! mabeeha tadry ina i broke my promise of not doing anything stupid... ilmoshkila enha fahmatny!! tadri ib rab3i o ib sowalifhom o bkelshay momkin i9eer... uuffff o a9lan shino bagool 7ag il shabab? "ana wa3adt 7abeebty iny ma aroo7 hal amakin"? Aw.. "etha dirat ra7 tiz3al miny!?" shbigoloon 3anny?... bil 59oo9 hal a7mido! Allaah esam7ik 3ala hal eqtiraa7 ya bo shhaab, ya3ni ma legait ghair night club...? Yala shbasawi ba3ad...
awal ma dashaaina BJ's night club 7asait galbi yemtili2 ib thamb.. Joorty im so sorry 7abeebty!! God, i hope she understands...
"haa tig3idoon 3al bar wla taboon 8anafaat?"
"imsh 3al dancefloor"
"shabab ana an6erkom hnaak..."
"3abood 3an ilmala8a yuba ta3aaal estaanis ma warak shay!"
"rasi em9adi3 bo shhaab i5thaw ra7atkom ana ag3ad lain it5al9oon..."
"feeek shay 3abood?"
"laa la 3azooz roo7aw yala hehe.."
a7mido o 3azooz ra7aw yista3bi6on so i decided to wait for them and sit at the bar... lay3a chabdy! All i want is Joorty in my arms right now, in a peaceful place just me and her.. me looking into her beautiful bold black eyes that i'd sink in whenever i looked at them.. aaaa5 ya Joorty...
"anything to drink, sir?"
"uuh, yea i'll have this.."
"coming up ;).."
shfee hatha!... i suddely hear a soft sweet voice...
"feek shay?.."
she was in a tight red dress and her long black pin straight hair framed her face that was filled with wild features...
"la .."
plz wa5raay..
"min shaklik imbayin enik metthayig..."
"your drink sir..!"
"thanks... uuh, la walla mafeeni shay.. 3an ithnich..."
i got off the bar and decided to go out for some air... i took a sip of my drink and sat on a bench just around the corner... how did that girl send shocks up my spine?!.. i cant do this to Joorty!! uuuff 3abdallah! MA 9AR SHAAY shfeeeek!! i took another sip.. and another...
*15 minutes later...
the music was playing, the beat was just so loud and the lights shined like fireworks... mazaaaji ertifaa3...
"3aboooooood!! Hahaha chayiiik chaaayiikk!!" he grinds all over a girl... "allaaaaaaaaaaahhh 3allaaaich!!!.. Hahahahaaaa"
3azooz goes over to the bar and gets us more drinks.. i drink up and dance some more.. i felt so free.. like i've been trapped in a cage for so long and now i was finally let out... i felt that i could do anything! I headed over to the bar for another re-fill, and waited for the bartender to notice me...
"how can i help?.."
"refill baby!... heheheee"
but as i wait, the same girl from earlier spots me and heads over to me...
"hello agaain..!"
"haa havin fun?"
"eeeeeeh!!.. wintaaay??"
"ehehe waaayid mestaansa, dam eny shiftik ..."
"hehehe.." i took my drink.. "ana baroo7 3ind rab3eee.... 7ayaach hehehe??"
"sure, lemme get my friends ;) ... "
i headed over to the guys and continued whatever it was we were doing... a few minutes later...
"oh! oh! chaayik 3azoooz!! 6a3 hathaaaaail ... a5aaaiiihh..! naaaaarr!!
i looked over and the girl in the red dress was walking towards us with 2 other girls... damn they looked hot! like those girls out of the magazines... lucious hair, tight bodies, full lips, and perfect features...
"hey you ;)..."
"ahlaaaan.. hehe..."
"ana Sara, hathail my girls Nafoul o Jessica..."
"hehehee ana 3abdalla, o hathail my guys 3azooz o a7mido... ;)"
Sara grabs my drink places her pink lips on the cup's rim, drops her head back and gulps down whatever remained from my drink...
we went crazy and jumped all over the place dancing like there was nothing on our minds but this good feeling... The Dream's "Falsetto" played and we slowly danced... Sara's perfectly filled buttox began rubbing onto me as she took a few steps back while she moved to the beat... right, left, right and left... so indulging.... i slid my hands onto her 26-inch waist and pulled her closer to me... her hair smelled just like cotton candy and vanilla... as i moved my face closer to her hair she turned around and our faces were an inch apart i looked at her lazy hazel eyes that seemed to glow and suck me in... she got closer.. and closer... and i knew what was about to happen... our noses touched but she slid her left cheek onto my right cheek and whispered...
"meet me outide in 5...."
i looked at her, turned my back and walked... i headed for the exit just as she demanded... the music was still playing, the lazer lights were blinding my eyes, the cigarette smoke filled my lungs and the atmosphere just completely erased everything from my mind....
as soon as i exit, Sara pulled me by my hand and took me to the parking where she parked her black touareq... her windows were tinted pitch black and that alone turned me on.. the air between us was so electrifying and she came close to me... i looked at her full lips and then at her eyes... she was smiling and her pearly white teeth seemed to glow... i felt Sara's breath on my lips...